Can you believe the new school year is already here? Read this article to learn how to transition students out of your account and add new students to your class. If your school uses Clever, please click here to learn more.
Step 1. [OPTIONAL] Tell students on last year's roster that the account is no longer accessible. Parents can download the Khan Academy Kids app for free on their personal mobile device. Their child's progress from your account will be lost. However, since the new school year is beginning, this will provide the opportunity for them to select the next grade up for their child when they create their own account. Send parents this link for more information about getting started with Khan Kids at home.
If you'd like last year's students to continue to have access to this account, you can keep your old class and create a separate class for your new students. Click here to see how.
Step 2. Delete students from last year's roster. To delete students, open the app and enter your teacher view. It will automatically open to the Students tab. Tap the Delete Student button. Then select Delete All. Note: If you'd rather not delete last year's students, you can add a class instead. Click here to see how.
Step 3. [OPTIONAL] Generate a new Class Code. This will ensure that students from last year can't access the account. Go to your Teacher Settings and tap the arrow next to your Class Code. Select Generate new Code. Make sure to write down your new Code! You can access the QR version by selecting Share Class Code.
Step 4. Add new students. Go back to the Students tab and select Add Students. You will be able to add your entire roster at one time. You can either type in student names one by one, or copy and paste a list in from your roster.
Step 5. Share your new Class Code with new students. You can share your Class Code directly from the Khan Academy Kids app. For step-by-step instructions, click here.
Rostering with Clever
If your school uses Clever, rostering for the new school year will be automatic. Additionally, student progress will travel with students as they move between classes. Learn more about using Khan Kids with Clever here.
If you used Khan Kids with Clever last year, you'll want to update your roster for the new year. Here's how:
- At first, you don't need to go into the Khan Kids app. On a desktop or laptop computer, go to
- Sign in with your Clever account information. Tap the Khan Kids icon.
- Go through the onboarding process. If you see a screen that says "Now download the free Khan Kids app," look for small text that says "Need to add another class?"
- Once you've added your class(es), switch to a mobile device. Make sure it has the Khan Kids app installed on it.
- Then, on that same mobile device, open a web browser like Safari or Chrome and go to
- Sign in with your Clever account information. Tap the Khan Kids icon.
- The app will open and you'll be signed in! You should see your class(es). This is where you'll be able to assign lessons and view progress.
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