What is the Teacher Dashboard?
The Teacher Dashboard allows you to access your Khan Academy Kids account on the web so that you can assign lessons and view reports from your laptop or desktop computer. You'll also get access to new reports that will give you more insight into student learning. Once access is granted, you'll be able to sign into the online Teacher Dashboard with your Khan Academy Kids account information.
How do I get access to the Teacher Dashboard?
The Teacher Dashboard is only available for our school or district partners. Ask your principal or another administrator to purchase Khan Kids for Schools for $5/student so you an get access. Here is an email template you can use. Please CC our school partnerships team (khankidspartners@khanacademy.org) so our team can answer any questions your administrator may have.
Why do I have to go through my school or district to get access? Can't I purchase it just for myself?
No, the Teacher Dashboard cannot be purchased by individual teachers. Since our online dashboards include student data aggregated at the district level, we have to have a signed agreement in place. This new offering also requires payment, which can only be issued at the school or district level at this time.
Why does it cost $5/student?
We are a nonprofit organization, and we love that we get to provide amazing resources for free. However, the online Teacher Dashboard is costly to develop and maintain. Compared to other programs available for schools to purchase, this is a low price.
How is this different from the regular Khan Academy Kids app?
Right now, teachers can only assign lessons to their students from a mobile device. When your school or district signs up for a partnership, you get access to an online Teacher Dashboard. This will allow you to assign lessons and view reports from a laptop or desktop computer so you won’t have to do that from your phone or tablet. Teachers will also get access to new reports on their web dashboard.
Additionally, a partnership includes an Administrator Dashboard so they can see school-level or district-level data. We also provide additional professional development resources and tech support to our partners.
Questions? Reach out to us at khankids@khanacademy.org. Thank you!
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