If you encounter an error in Khan Academy Kids which prompts you to check your internet connection, and you are unable to proceed with the app, please try these steps:
- Reboot/restart your device. Please ensure you power the device all the way off before turning it back on. For Apple devices, follow these tips => https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201559. For Android devices, try forcing a restart by holding the power button and volume button at the same time. Hold them down until the phone goes ‘blank’ (finally powers off). Then, start the device again.
- Delete the app and reinstall it on your device. Ensure that both the app and device operating systems are updated to the latest versions.
- Try the app from a different network. Sometimes there can be intermittent connectivity issues on certain types of networks that impact the app's performance. To test, please disconnect your device from your current network connection, and reconnect to a secondary network such as a public hotspot or a cellular data network to see if you get the same error.
- Test the speed of your download connection at www.speedtest.net to verify that the download speeds exceed 1mbps.
- If you are a teacher or network administrator trying to access the app from a school network, there could be a firewall in place. Please follow these steps to address the issue.
If the problem persists, please reach out to khankids@khanacademy.org with your device information (make/model/software version) and region of the world so we can provide further assistance.
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