Our new Admin Dashboard allows administrators to see how teachers and students are using Khan Academy Kids to build foundational skills. Available as a paid offering for schools and districts.
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Khan Academy Kids is excited to support district and school administrators with the launch of our new Admin Dashboard. This robust, web-based tool will allow instructional leaders to support teachers who are using the Khan Kids mobile app, ensuring that students get the lessons and activities they need to grow their reading and math skills.
[Click here to request a demo.]
Since the Admin Dashboard is web-based, it’s easily accessible from any device. Data can be viewed for a given time period, and for most reports, administrators can drill down from the district level to view insights by grade, school, class, and individual student. Administrators can download these reports as a CSV file and save them for their records.
School and district administrators will have access to the following reports:
- Activation: See who’s started using Khan Kids
- Usage: See how much time students are spending in the app
- Lessons Completed: See how many lessons and assignments have been completed
- Progress: See how much progress has been made towards grade-level mastery
- Class Progress by Skill: See how students are performing on individual skills
See which classrooms have started using the Khan Kids app and who might need more support. Activation data is available by district, school, grade, and teacher. As part of the district partnership, your teachers will have access to custom professional learning facilitated by the Khan Kids team to ensure they have everything they need to get started.
For this example district, 100% of classrooms at Northside Elementary have started using the app with students. On the other hand, Only 68% of classrooms at Deer Point Elementary have started, indicating they need additional support getting started. |
Get insight into how much time students are spending in the Khan Kids app within each subject area (e.g., Math, ELA). You can see total usage across the whole district, and then click into specific schools and classes to see how individual students are spending their time in the app. You’ll be able to monitor usage within a given time period, and compare trends across schools, grades, and classes.
For this example district, 92% of students at Buck Lake Elementary used Khan Kids in the month of October. Each student at Buck Lake spent an average of about 4 hours in ELA and 3 hours in math over the course of the month. |
Lessons Completed
Follow along as students practice key skills and complete lessons across subjects. Administrators will be able to see how many lessons have been completed with scores in the Beginning (<50%), Developing (50-79%), and Achieved (80%+) ranges. The Lessons Completed report also shows how many of these lessons were completed because they were assigned by a teacher, versus how many were completed via independent learning.
For this example district, 33% of lessons scored in the "Achieved" range (80-100%); 34% of lessons scored in the "Developing" range (50-79%); and 33% of lessons scored in the "Beginning" range (0-50%).
Detailed tables allow administrators to gain more insight into the data at the top of the report. Here, administrators can see how many lessons were completed as assignments, versus how many were completed via independent learning. |
The Progress report allows you to see where learners are in their learning journey. Grade level skills for ELA and Math are broken out into 9 segments, to represent the 9 months of the school year, and learners are placed along the continuum to show how many skills they have mastered. This report will also give you insight into how many students are working above or below grade level so you can better tailor lessons and interventions.
For this example district, most 2nd grade students are in section 3 of ELA and section 3 of Math. If students started using Khan Academy Kids in September, then November roughly represents section 3. If an administrator is looking at this chart in the month of November, then most 2nd grade students are on track.
Class Progress by Skill
Access class-level data to see which skills students have mastered, and which they need more support with. This report is a great tool for instructional coaches working with individual teachers, or for school leaders who love to use data to guide lesson planning.
You will be able to look more deeply at the progress of a particular student or classroom. See exactly which skills have been mastered, and which need more targeted instruction and practice. Work with your instructional leaders and teachers to find best practices that are driving students towards mastery. This report can be filtered by individual students and is a great artifact when conducting parent conferences or making recommendations for interventions.
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