Khan Academy Kids is growing up strong. The app now includes curriculum for preschool, kindergarten, and first-grade! Our interactive lessons cover math, language, logic, social-emotional development, and creative expression, along with an overflowing library of books and stories to delight emerging readers.
See what's new!
New math lessons feature number lines, 10 frames, equations, place value and more. We've also included new logic and executive function lessons to help build focus, working memory, and flexible thinking.
New language activities cover sentence types, parts of speech, word recognition, punctuation, capitalization and more!
New nonfiction books have arrived with colorful, real-life images of the natural world, plus new fiction books with social-emotional themes covering friendship, patience, self-confidence, persistence, and mindfulness. Reading comprehension exercises are threaded throughout our educational stories for kids.
Access the new content
To access the new content, head to the home screen of the app and select the app's Library (purple book icon) in the upper left. Once in the Library, you will see that our Books, Videos and Create categories are refreshed with new stories, videos, and coloring pages. Plus, our Math, Reading, and Logic+ categories have a gray drop-down menu in the upper right to select learning levels for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade. Select "1st Grade" to preview the new activities in the Math, Reading, and Logic+ categories.
Khan Academy Kids is 100% free with no ads - even with all of this new content! Find us on Apple, Google Play, and Amazon app stores, or learn more at
If you have any questions about using the app, feel free to email our support team at
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